Políticas de Empregabilidade: O Estado da Arte na Virada do Século / Employability Policies: State-of-the-Art at the Turn of the Century




The increase of involuntary unemployment bring recent concerns about employability politics. Strategys of regulation of the labour market and the third generation of Human Capital Theory try to translate these politics. The birth of the concept of plural economy offers a revision for the dynamics informal sector, modern or traditional, in producing atypical employs. The idea of Plural Economy also project the interative challenge of the social organizations and non governamental organizations in the reabsortion of social excluded. The flexibility of the labor journey in the new employability politics are developed through reflections, behaviours impacts in the life quality and negociations in the mettalurgical, logistical and health sectors. Socials entitys and the government face challenges in the regulamentation and negociation of atypical employability.


empregabilidade mercado de trabalho capital humano economia plural empresa flexibilização trabalho empregos

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