Políticas de formação e a profissionalização docente em Jataí-Goiás




This research had as objective to investigate if the educational politics to the teachers` formation in the primary education, from the 1st to 4th grades, contributed to the teaching professionalization, in the municipality of Jataí Go, from 1996 to 2003. This problematic includes in the Research Line from Educational Politics, School Management and Teaching Formation in the master pos-graduation in education program of the UCDB. As methodological procedure, it used the documental analysis, statistic source from the INEP/MEC and from the IBGE, over there the camp research used questionnaire with questions with multiple choice and semi- structured interview with the teachers from the primary school from the 1st to 4th grades from Jataí municipal net. The collected details were analyzed according to the requirement from the teaching professionalization: initial formation, continued, work conditions and development of one salaryal politics unified. The researchs result revealed that the initial formation from the teachers from the primary education, from 1st to 4th grades, could be done at UFG, and the continued formation has been offered by the Municipal Education Office, with the courses, PCNs in Action, PROFA and the educational planning. Other possibility are the post-graduation courses, but these must be payed by the teaching, even offered by the UFG. Another requirement from the referred professiona lization are the work conditions, but those need to be improved, principally, the work journey and the payment. It was analyzed the teaching proletareatization, it is a contrary thesis to the professionalization, wich, according to Enguita (1991), the teachers are not professionals, because they are on a mediator and contradictory situation, it makes part of the semi professions. Face of the showed results, it considers that the educational politics to the teachers formation from the primary education from 1st to 4th grades, they contribute partially for the teaching professionalization, in the municipality of Jataí- GO.


educacao educational politics teachers` formation profissionalização. formação de professores política educacional professionalization.

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