Poly(A) site efficiency reflects the stability of complex formation involving the downstream element.


A critical step in mRNA biogenesis is the generation of the mRNA 3' end through an endonucleolytic cleavage of the primary transcript followed by the addition of a approximately 200 nucleotide (nt) poly(A) tail. The efficiency of poly(A) site function can vary widely and for those genes with multiple poly(A) sites, the choice can be a regulated event. A functional poly(A) site is characterized by cis-acting RNA sequences including the well-conserved AAUAAA hexamer, located 10-30 nt upstream of the cleavage site, and a highly variable downstream GU- or U-rich element. The gene specific nature of the downstream sequence suggests that it may be a primary determinant of poly(A) site efficiency. Several recent studies have detailed the purification of factors that mediate the cleavage and polyadenylation reaction and that recognize the cis-acting signals. Two of these factors are responsible for the formation of a stable, committed ternary complex with the pre-RNA. In order to define the role of this stable complex in poly(A) site function, we have compared the processing efficiency of several pre-mRNAs with the stability of the complex that forms on these RNAs. We show that ternary complex stability reflects both the in vivo and the in vitro efficiency of the poly(A) site and that the stability of this complex is dependent on the nature of the downstream sequence element. We conclude that the stability of these protein--RNA interactions, dictated by the downstream element, plays a major role in determining the processing efficiency of a particular poly(A) site.

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