Polyamine Limitation of Growth Slows the Rate of Polypeptide Chain Elongation in Escherichia coli


The rate of polypeptide chain elongation during steady-state, polyamine-limited growth of a mutant of Escherichia coli was measured by two independent techniques. Analysis of polysome patterns gave values of 17.5 and 9.5 amino acids per s at 37 C in unstarved and polyamine-limited cells, respectively. From the kinetics of entry of labeled amino acids into polypeptides of defined molecular weights, values at 30 C of 10.1 and 5.8 amino acids per s were obtained for unstarved and polyamine-limited cultures, respectively. Correction of these values to 37 C resulted in rates of 15.0 and 8.7 amino acids per s. These results support the previous conclusion, based on the kinetics of β-galactosidase induction, that polyamine starvation decreases the rate of protein synthesis by limiting the velocity of polypeptide chain elongation.

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