Pontos de cultura, particularidades na gestÃo: um estudo na primeira capital brasileira da cultura




The launching of Federal Government programs with a a wide-ranging proposal of sharing management and transformer to cultural organizations, and the challenges managed by these entities in the relationship with the proponent, aroused the curiosity in verifying the existence of its influency on the management ways developed by them, called Points of Culture, since the discussions about the organizational studies grow up by the years, mainly those about the rupture of the bureaucracy model. In this way the research about the organizations analyzed was based in two categories: The grades dimension of bureaucracy was found in different developing levels, and in about basis of rationality, both of them had intensity different from the instrumental.The conclusions show that the profile of the organizations researched are differentiate and that it is noticed a risk that one shows of changing in the logic of the original action because of the utility calculation which penetrate the consequences of its survival. And the other the tendency to a total entry into a bureaucracy of management. It is yet concluded that there is influency of the Program on the categories analyzed but it is not visible a total rupture with the bureaucracy


management way aÃÃo social bureaucracy pontos de cultura social action points of culture burocracia administracao gestÃo racionalidades rationalities

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