Population densities for alternative cultivars of bean plant in Minas Gerais / DENSIDADES POPULACIONAIS PARA CULTIVARES ALTERNATIVAS DE FEIJOEIRO EM MINAS GERAIS




With the objective of evaluating the agronomic behavior of alternative cultivars of bean plant for the Southern, center-western and northern regions of Minas Gerais, fitting the best populations of plants to its cultivation, four field trials were conducted. In the two former regions, the trials were established in the rainy season crop 2006/07 in Lavras and BambuÃ, respectively, in the experimental fields of the Agriculture Department at the Federal University of Lavras and at the Bambuà Federal Technological Center. In the North region, the experiments were conducted in the winter-spring on the Experimental Farms of Mocambinho and JaÃba of the Minas Gerais Agricultural Research Institution, both in the town of JaÃba. The randomized block design with three replicates in factorial scheme 4x5, involving four cultivars (Radiante, Ouro Vermelho, Bolinha and Novo Jalo) and five population densities (100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 thousand plants ha-1) was utilized. On the occasion of harvest were evaluated final stand and grain yield with their primary components: number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod and average weight of one hundred grains were evaluated. In the southern and center-western regions of Minas Gerais, cultivars Radiante, Novo Jalo, Bolinha and Ouro Vermelho did not present good performance in the rainy season crop. In the range of 100 to 500 thousand plants ha-1, the increase of the plant population reduces the number of pods per plant and the weight of one hundred grains of the bean plant, but grain yield is not influenced. In northern Minas, the increase of the plant population reduces the number of pods per plant and the number of grains per pod, but it does not influence grain yield. Cultivars Radiante, Novo Jalo, Bolinha and Ouro Vermelho have good performance at irrigated winter crop and stands for new alternative to cultivation in the northern region of Minas Gerais.


phaseolus vulgaris,populaÃÃes de plantas,feijoeiro-comum. phaseolus vulgaris l., plant populations, common bean plant. phaseolus vulgaris,populaÃÃes de plantas,feijoeiro-comum. fitotecnia fitotecnia phaseolus vulgaris l., plant populations, common bean plant.

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