Portuguese literature of resistance: the woman, the war and the intellectual like arms to fight against Salazarismo / Literatura portuguesa de resistência: a mulher, a guerra e o intelectual como armas de luta contra o salazarismo




This study deals with the Portuguese literature of resistance against the dictatorship imposed by the Portuguese New State, referring to the topics related to Portuguese woman status, to colonial war and to the militant writer. The studied period lasts from 1968 to 1974 - Marcelo Caetano administration - which was marked by increasing popular dissatisfaction until the coming out of the movement which resulted in the Revolução dos Cravos. The analyzed works were: "Novas Cartas portuguesas", written by Maria Isabel Barreno, Maria Teresa Horta and Maria Velho da Costa, published in 1972, which deals with the feminine matter; "O capitão Nemo e eu", by Álvaro Guerra, published in 1973, which portrays memories of the war in Guinea of a Portuguese ex-soldier and "Contos da Solidão", by Urbano Tavares Rodrigues, published in 1970 and written when the writer was imprisoned accused of conspiring against the government. These works were selected because they express the feelings and perceptions that are considered significant to the understanding of the Portuguese pre-revolutionary environment


colonial war portugal portugal salazarismo guerra colonial condição feminina portuguesa salazarismo literature of resistance literatura portuguese woman status

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