Positive control of sporulation-specific genes by the IME1 and IME2 products in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, meiosis and spore formation require the induction of sporulation-specific genes. Two genes are thought to activate the sporulation program: IME1 and IME2 (inducer of meiosis). Both genes are induced upon entry into meiosis, and IME1 is required for IME2 expression. We report here that IME1 is essential for expression of four sporulation-specific genes. In contrast, IME2 is not absolutely essential for expression of the sporulation-specific genes, but contributes to their rapid induction. Expression of IME2 from a heterologous promoter permits the expression of these sporulation-specific genes, meiotic recombination, and spore formation in the absence of IME1. We propose that the IME1 and IME2 products can each activate sporulation-specific genes independently. In addition, the IME1 product stimulates sporulation-specific gene expression indirectly through activation of IME2 expression.

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