Potenciais evocados auditivos de média latência. Estudo para diferentes níveis de intensidade sonora com estímulo tone-burst em crianças de 10 a 13 anos de idade / Middle Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials study on levels of sound intensity with tone-burst stimulus in childrens between the ages of 10 e 13




Introduction: The record and study of corticals responses evoked by auditory stimulus has allowed the objective investigation from process of auditory information and a better understanding of central auditory path. The utility of the procedure has been valued by audiologists, nevertheless her clinical aplication current demand the a execution a sum more significative of the study, especially in nationals researchs, to knowledge profoundest this procedure, over all as for normative studys, waves?s identification criterion and interference of the variables with age, gender and parameters used in records. The PEAMLs are composed of a waves?s sequence with latency are around 10 a 80ms, with multiple neurogenic origen (thalamus corticais projections and auditory cortex, coliculus inferior and reticular formation in small scale). The present study objetive examined the components dos PEAMLs, in healthy childrens, researching the waves?s latency and amplitude, to know the PEAML in this band of age. Methods: make part of study 32 childrens in both genders between the ages of 10 e 13, normal hearing without neurological desorders. The statistical analises involved the descrition statistical (mean and standard deviation) and variance analises by test F. The PEAMLs are investigated with tone-burst stimuli in 50, 60 e 70 dBNA. Results and conclusions: the means values of the components are Na=20,79ms, Pa=35,34ms, Nb=43,27ms e Pb=53,36ms. To the amplitude Na-Pa the means values obtained in the study varies between 0,2 and 1,9mV (M=1,0mV). The waveforms are more consistents e more easyly identifiable. We are able to conclude that the amplitude increase and latency decrease with growth of intensity of sound. In 50dBNA the latency are significative higher that 60 and 70 dBNA to wave Na. From 60dBNA the values are stabilize and there is no significatives changes in the latency ou morphology of wave. In the comparisions inter e inta-hemisferical were observed latencys lengthest and amplitudes higher to side left (A1/Cz). In a posterior analises in conformity to complaint of hardness scholar were observeds diferrences no significants to the components Na, Pa, Nb e Pb in the childrens groups with and without complaint of hardness scholar. Anormalities in the morphology of waves were viewed in this childrens wich weren´t atribute to complaint of hardness scholar exclusively once there was interference of the patient?s age and the neural development of Central Auditory System Nervous. The present study made possible a better knowledge of PEAMLs and will contribute to securest aplication this procedure. But, another studys still are requisite, essentialy in the researchs national to established normatives standard to utily in the clinical practice.


evoked responses auditory evoked potential auditory potenciais evocados auditivos

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