Pratica artistica para todos : as artes plasticas no cenario da inclusão social na cidade de São Paulo / Practices artistics for all : the arts in the overview of social inclusion from São Paulo city




The Arts education process along with the teaching of people with special needs composes the scene for Art education in which this researcher s contribution, who is himself visually impaired, is highlighted. The significant gap in the studies and foruns presenting methodological approaches in the specific area of Arts and disability motivated this research undertaking. The aims of the project were to study a qualitative sample of contemporary culture from the city of São Paulo about the proposals which focus on access to Visual Arts for people with disability, analyzing them from a social inclusion paradigm. Three institutions were studied, using interviews with three rofessionals from each institution and observations of representative activities of the set of inclusive art sessions, which were photographed. The study enabled us to present an updated portrait of the dialogue between the agents of this process, classified according to the following concepts: teacher education, paradigm change and specificities of art teaching for people with disabilities (mediation). The theoretical foundation which supported the discussion of the data was based on phenomenology, the social-cultural-historical approach, specific Arts concepts, Special Education and the inclusion paradigm. The results pointed to the existence of significant artistic practices aimed toward this public, however they are restricted to a limited group of people with disability who are able to access the programs


art education special education social inclusion visual arts arte - estudo e ensino inclusão social arte educação especial

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