Prática de pesquisa, produção de subjetividades e formação em Enfermagem: um relato de viagem.




This research inquires about the relations between the practice and the research and the production of subjectivity in the formation in nursing, so it tries to ask for attention for the productive characteristic, that the curriculum assumes in the invention of the nursing a student, and the process of subjectivity and identification. For such purpose, it describes some situations of the everyday life in the social spaces, in which the students of nursing at UEFS communicate, integrate and act. Situations that can affect them and which are discussed in the corpus composed of nine papers produced in the period of 1996.1 until 2000.2. This work approaches the notion of experience, subject, subjectivity, identity and describes some of the values present in the process of institutionalization of nursing which the formation of a nurse in the contemporarity. It deals with the problems relates to the construction of the object in relation to the aspects of Foucaults theorization about the disciplinary power and the ways of subjectivation. It has been presented the elements of the foucaltians archeology with which it has been tried to establish a bridge to the investigation of the representations of the students according to the concerned knowledge to the formation in nursing which trespass the corpus, passing after this, by the analysis of the statements that could help to establish the relations between what is effectively said and not said. In the next part, a brief shortcut is taken trough a historic approach about the mechanisms from which it has been done the inclusion of the subjects of research in the curriculum of nursing at UEFS. This work describes and analyses the experiences of formation discussed by the students and,through this, transformed into research problem in nine papers, taken the meanings that the students have given to the private experiences as products of certain common systems of meaning in nursing, constituting the results of the empiric research as a point of departure of a knowledge which has been produced in transit. It has been presented as a reflection about the strengthen of this research, considering the theorization of the investigated problem and the objectives proposed, co-forming as new experience of teaching and learning, showing the representations in which the experiences have been based on, in the formation of the students.


formação em enfermagem subjetividade subjectivity and identity educacao identidade research practice prática de pesquisa formation in nursing

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