Práticas argumentativas no estudo da geometria por acadêmicos de Licenciatura em Matemática


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This present study was developed with academics of Licenciature in Mathematics, more specifically the discipline of Euclidean geometry with the objective of researching the process of developing the argumentation both explanatory and justificatory, in solving tasks of this discipline. The development of naive argumentation for the argumentation logic; of everyday discourse, without defined form, and it didactic discourse, colloquial speech, for the systematic and based speech in a theory was the approach of the research. It was adopted as a method to ethnography applied to education for Marli André, Menga Lüdke and Bronislaw Malinowski. Followed, as a theoretical, the parameters of Anthropological Theory of the Didactic, as the assumptions of Yves Chevallard, Marianna Bosch and Josep Gascón. Were analyzed by TAD: the development of the argumentation, the relationship between objects, the techniques used and the relevance of the theoretical support of the justification of the steps of the techniques. The analysis of the structure of the justificatory argument was processed in accordance with the scheme developed by Stephen Toulmin. The results indicate that the development of the argument for the demonstration is possible and that is possible also to elaborate a didactic organization that contributes so that the academics enter in the mathematical workmanship. Amongst the results it is distinguished production of a theorem in classroom with the envolvement of the academics.


educação ensino didática livro didático etnografia matemática - ensino argumentação ensino-aprendizagem geometria euclidiana - ensino antropologia cultural e social

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