Práticas de reforço e recuperação em escola fundamental estadual de ciclo II em São Paulo / Practice of reinforcement and recuperation in cycle II of São Paulo State public fundamental school




The aim of this study is to contribute for the best knowledge of how public politics acts educational system. The main question that had to be answered was what schools had done to avoid the failure of the cycle regime with continuous progress, considering reinforcement and recuperation. In this sense, the practices adopted in reinforcement classes in cycle II schools 5th to 8th grade of São Paulo State public schools was studied. The search was made from 2003 2004 by means of documental analysis: educational lows from 60s decade to the beginning of 2000 decade, schools papers, student and teacher papers. A series of observations was conducted during the reinforcement classes, interview with teachers and school staff also was made. The reinforcement process analyzed was focused on Portuguese language matter in 5th, 6th and 8th grades. The empiric data obtained for analysis was organized in three ways: selecting students for classs composition, learning process in the reinforcement class and evaluation process for pupils return to regular classes. This study was based in concepts proposed by Viñao Frago, Dominique Julia, Anne Marie Chartier, Gimeno Sacristan and Pérez Gómez that states the confirmed hipotesys in which educational system works with formal and bureacratic legal exigencys for reinforcement as well as recuperation but isnt free from teachers interference and from solutions like the statement of a recuperation week in the bimester end. Further more, it was also confirmed that the used practices for recuperation and reinforcement had only reproduce the established practices consolidated by the traditional school and teacher culture of learning, mainly due to the extensive use of training exercises as for 5th grade, that was in alphabetization stage, as for the other grades, using a variety of lecture texts, It was also observed that the concepts of reinforcement and recuperation isnt well understood in all levels of the educational hierarchy.


primary school reforms cycle ii 5th to 8th grade políticas públicas de educação education public politics of education educacao recuperação reformas reinforcement reforço recuperation ensino fundamental cultura escolar. ciclo ii 5 a 8 série educação school culture. ensino fundamental - recuperação

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