Prazer e sofrimento no trabalho : contribuições a organização do processo de trabalho da enfermagem


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This is a descriptive exploratory research, guided towards the findig of factors linked to the genesis of pleasure and suffering within nursing work. It has been based mainly on contributions exacted from Christoph Dejours. Data were collected using a list with closed questions and semi-structured interviews, among 18 professionals. They represented the categories of nurse and nurse auxiliary at teaching hospital affiliated to a Federal State University in the province of Rio Grande do Sul. To interpret interview answers, the contents analysis methodology was employed in the modality of theme analysis. Results are offered under three category sets: 29 Inicial Categories, later on grouped as 8 Intermediate Categories which where then synthetized as the Final Categories of The Work Itself, The Work Organization and The Working Conditions. Pleasure and suffering were detected within nursing work, their locations and their motivating forces. Work in Itself, in spite of its ingrained suffering, allows for the enjoyment of an actual and concrete pleasure. A great amount of a worker s suffering comes as a consequence of Work Organization and, particularly, of Working Conditions in a real, dramatic and almost absolute way, whereas pleasure, with very few exceptions, makes itself present conditioned to a given factor. In this way, it becomes inexistent, as an expectative of pleasure in a future possibility. Knowledge of those factors implied on the genesis of pleasure and suffering within the nursing work context opens possibilities for positive changes and effects on a worker s life, as well as on the life of those with whom he/she comes to establish relationships and connections.


trabalho : organizacao : condicoes : enfermagem : hospital : trabalhador : qualidade de vida : estudo de caso enfermagem : trabalho : sofrimento

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