Prematuridade em uma população atendida em clínica fonoaudiológica universitária




Many are the factors that influence in the development of the language. There are lots of researches suggesting that new borns with low weight present high risk of developing language disorders. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine, among the children assisted at the clinic school of the Universidade Norte do Paraná who presented language delay or language disorders, data that suggested the relation between those problems and prematureness. The data was extracted from anamnesis made with parents. We took into consideration the following topics: Sex, prior prematureness, which kind of proffessional originally refered those children to the clinic, age when they were refered and the initial complaints. All the information was transcribed into a pre-established form. The parents complaints were classified as: lack of speech when the children didnt speaK and presence of speech when the children spoke just a little. The incomplete data were excluded resulting in 40 initial enterviews. In spite of the restricted size sample, the statistical analysis have shown that prematureness and language disorder were closely related. A 100 % of the parents looked for the right doctors, specialists or speech therapists, which proves that they were aware of who to look for when they spot language problems in their children


prematuridade fonoaudiologia distúrbios de desenvolvimento atrasos de linguagem

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