Presbiterianismo do Sul em Campinas : primordios da educação liberal




The central theme of this dissertation is the Southern Presbyterian in Campinas: beginnings of the liberal education. The thesis proposal is to historically analyze the process of the incorporation of a foreign religious institution into the Brazilian reality, whose roots were Catholic, between 1860 and 1940. The development of the Protestant missions in Brazil was connected to the North American political and economical expansion in Latin and South Americas, a period of expansion of the American capitalism, which began in the XIX century and was consolidated in the XX century. The strategy employed by the Protestant religious missionaries to influence the Brazilian people and social elite to embrace the ?new religion? was to make use of schools and seminaries. On the one hand the schools promoted a liberal education identical to the one received by the North American students, on the other the seminaries trained national priests who had a direct impact on the population, either preaching or educating.This dissertation is comprised of four chapters. The first chapter studies the historical roots of the Presbyterianism and its insertion into North America from the XVII century onward, where they sought to understand the reasons that motivated the Anglo-Saxons to immigrate to North America and organize a new kind of society and culture there. It also analyzes the type of economy developed and the North American economical expansion supported by political systems and religious principles. The second chapter studies Campinas in the transition from the Empire to the Republic: political and economical transformations. It is about analyzing the city inside a national context, its degree of importance in the political and economical fields and what stimulated its development in both the religion and education sectors. The third chapter is specifically about the implementation of the missionary Protestantism in Brazil, the religious factors that made the presence of Protestants possible in Brazil, particularly of the Presbyterians, who set up churches, schools and seminaries between 1860 and 1940, and its consequences. The fourth chapter is about the organization and functioning of the Seminary in Brazil in its several stages until the definite consolidation os the Southern Presbyterian in Campinas which happened between 1907 and 1940.


liberalismo educação - historia migração protestantes presbiterianos

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