Prevalencia de candida na cavidade bucal de escolares de diferentes categorias socio-economicas : avaliação de parametros clinicos, salivares e microbiologicos




Saliva samples of Brazilian schoolchildren aging from 6 to 8 years old belonging to different socio-economic classes, were analysed in an attempt to identify the species and frequency of Candida yeast cells in this population in correlation to other saliva parameters as buffer capacity, salivary flow and clinical investigations (decay index - DMFT, DMFS, dmft and dmfs). Two hundred and thirty nine children were analysed, distributed into five distinct socioeconomic categories (A to E). The concentrated saliva samples were preliminary analysed measuring salivary flow, pH and buffer capacity. Subsequently, the saliva samples were diluted in saline solution and inoculated on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar media. After the characteristic growth, counting cells (CFU/mL) and subsequent identification of the species by morpholoQical, carbohydrate assimilation and fermentation tests, were performed. The results showed Candida totalizing 47,3% of the total samples. The major specie isolated was C. albicans .in ali socioeconomic categories followed by C. tropicalis; C. Krusei and C. parapsilosis. The saliva and clinical investigation parameters as salivary flow, buffer capacity and CFU/mL of Candida did not show any statistical correlation among these parameters. The tests of the buffer capacity and salivary flow showed normal values, prevailing in ali of the samples. There was no statistical significance between Candida and cariesindex in the population sampled. For the clinical investigation a positive correlation between caries index and socioeconomic categories was observed by the statistical test of "Kruskall - Wallis". The highest at caries index (DMFT) was registered in the D and E socioeconomic categories, being 1,02 and 1,07 respectively. The occlusal surfaces followed by the deciduous inferior molars and the first permanent molars were the major teeth showing a high scores of dental decay


carie dentaria em criança classes sociais candida

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