Prevalencia, tratamento e complicações dos casos de trauma facial atendidos pela FOP - Unicamp de abril de 1999 a março de 2004 / Prevalence, treatment and complications of facial injuries evaluated by Piracicaba Dental School ? State University of Campinas, from April 1999 to March 2004




This study is based on an observational, prospective and longitudinal research with the purpose of analyzing the prevalence, treatment modalities and complications rates of the facial trauma attended by the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of Piracicaba Dental School ? Unicamp occurred in the region of Piracicaba from April 1999 to March 2004. A total of 1,857 patients were included in the study, and analysis of obtained data demonstrated a prevalence for males (76.8%), white individuous (58.6%), most of them in the 3th decade of life (27%) and afflicting people economically active (52.3%). The main etiological factor was traffic accident (45.8%), predominantly involving bicycle accidents, roughly associated to low scores of protective devices use. The initial care was carried out in 88.2% of cases through public health insurance and within the first 48 hours after the injury in 69.3% of patients. The majority of patients (38.1%) who required surgical interventions were operated between the days 8 and 15. According to the facial fractures, there was a greater incidence of middle third facial fractures (56.4%), although the bone most fractured was the mandible (41.3%). The soft tissue lesions were mainly represented by lacerations (31.8%) and abrasions (28.6%). Associated body lesions were diagnosed in 41.1% of patients sustaining facial injury, especially those involving the upper limbs (24.1%) and lower limbs (15.4%). Patients were treated conservatively in 55.6% of cases, surgically in 42.2% of cases and no treatment was instituted in 2.2% of patients. Rigid internal fixation using plates and screws were performed in 99.8% of patients requiring open surgery and fixation of facial fractures. Complications developed in 4.4% of all cases evaluated and infection was responsible for 43.7% of cases of complications. Therefore, regular epidemiologic evaluations of facial injuries allow a detailed analysis of theses lesions providing important support to install clinical and research priorities. This may improve attendance and prevention of maxillofacial injuries in the future


traumatology traumatologia epidemiology epidemiologia

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