Previsão hidrometeorológica visando sistema de alerta antecipado de cheias em bacias urbanas / Hidrometeorological precipitation forecast for flood early warning systems in urban areas




Urban population are often surprised by flash floods which cause several kinds of damages. An early warning system is a tool which aims to minimize such impacts. This work will approach the forecast component of this system. A conceptual hydrometeorological precipitation forecasting model, based on thermodynamics equations and simplified cloud physics, will be used to perform the forecast. Model lead time is 30 minutes for measured inputs, this time can be extended by the use of estimated inputs instead of the measured ones. Calibration was performed manually based on conservation of precipitation volume and its distribution in time. This step can be improved on future researches. In spite of model’s simplicity, some simulations presented satisfactory results, being able to forecast precipitation’s beginning.


flood previsão hidrometeorológica inundações sistema de alerta antecipado early warning system hydrometeorological precipitation forecast

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