Problema de reagrupamento capacitado / Redistricting capacitated problem




The aim of this dissertation is to develop an eficient methodology to solve the multicriteria redistricting capacitated problem (PACM), in which objects with associated weights are given, which must be partitioned into groups with limited capacity. In this work, the PACM is inserted in to a reassignment problem of urban clusters of clients, in which the readings of the eletric energy measurement must be performed by the company of energy distribution. The reading operation is performed over lots geographically defined is performed once a month by the readers. The motivation of this work is due to the fact that the size and shape of the lots become obsolete after some time, due to modifications introduced in the current conformation, desarranging the balance between the lots and outdating the routes. For this reason it is important to achieve a reassignment of the lots trying to decrease the operational costs of reading, as well as minimizing the costs and inconvenience caused by the changes. The proposed method to solve the problem addressed in this dissertation is a algorithm based on GRASP (Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure) metaheuristic. The efectiveness of the proposed method is tested on a large number of generated instances and on a real network. Computational experiments demonstrate the efectiveness of the proposed approach


otimização combinatoria heuristic heuristica combinatorial optimization heuristic programming programação heuristica

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