Processos construtivos empregados na habitação popular no ambito do SFH : os conjuntos da COHAB-BD (1967-2000)




The Public Housing Companies, in Brazil, have developed an important role in the production flower income housing enterprises. In this work the data universe is composed by the cooperative apartment and houses implemented by the "Companhia de Habitação Popular Bandeirante (COHAB-Bd)", since its foundation in 1967 until2000; period which occurred at the same time of existence as the Public Housing Financing System (SFH). The diversity of constructive processes, techniques an material employed were analyzed in a chronological scale characterizing maintenances and changes which occurred in the building industry, within the limits and rules of the Public Housing Financing System. This study demonstrated the technical constructive trends of the public housing enterprise produced by the COHAB-Bd and the influence of the factors SFH, constructors, buyers and COHAB-Bd s technicians involved in the production process


conjuntos habitacionais habitação - financiamento habitação popular industria da construção civil

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