Produção de subjetividade no processo de ensino-aprendizagem de alunos de graduação : novas formas de ser e de aprender na era da informação




The tecnological evolution, a creation of the modern age, was the perfect scenario for the rising of the Internet. In the past few years, its use has become frequent in the academic environment. In this way, this work has the main purpose to analyse the influence of the Internet in the academic process of learning. We had 32 students in the Pedagogic and Psycology major joining the research. The data was obtained from half-structuralized interviews with sevens main questions witch answers were submitted to de analysis of content process, with qualitative and quantitative treatment. The results revealed that the contact with the Web has producted transformations on the way of being, of feeling, of acting, of thinking, of studing and of relating with the students, due to that, the Internet has introduced new ways of dealing with the subject and information, providing modifications in the teachinglearning process. It was observed also that the utilization of the Internet reflects in the subjectivity production and the conection with the cyberspace promotes beliefs that re-echo in the social representation of the students. All this produces new subjectivities among the Internet users, once that in this dynamic, the citizen make up specific ways of realizing himself and the world. Finally this work shows the necessity of investigate the efects oh the Internet in the education field, therefore the consequences of the Internet resources depend of its use.


learning in the information age subjectivity production internet produção de subjetividade aprendizagem na era da informação internet educacao

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