Produtividade de grãos e variação temporal de fitomassa seca da cultura de feijão em função de doses de nitrogênio. / Grain yield and temporal variation of dry mass of the common bean crop as function of nitrogen doses.




With the purpose of characterizing the temporal variation of the roots, stems, leaves and reproductive organs dry mass of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and of verifying the effect of nitrogen fertilization on its grain yield and dry mass accumulated into the different plant organs at flowering, an field experiment was carried out at Crop Science Department, Esalq, University of São Paulo, Piracicaba, Brazil. The soil was classified as Rhodic kandiustalfs; the cultivar was IAC-Carioca Tybatã (indeterminate genotype) and the statistical experimental design was completely randomized. The treatments were nitrogen doses (0, 60 and 120 kg.ha -1 ) associated with nine crop phenological stages. The following parameters were evaluated: crop phenology; roots, stems, leaves and reproductive organs dry mass for each phenological stage; and the grain yield and its components. Non linear models were used to describe the standard variation of roots, stems, leaves, reproductive organs and total dry mass using the NLIN procedure (Non LINear regression) of the SAS â System (SAS Institute, 1998). According to the discussion, the results allowed to conclude that: (i) the proposed models are appropriate to characterize the roots, stems, leaves and reproductive organs dry mass variation during the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) crop cycle, (ii) the dry mass of all organs and grain yield of common bean, in response to nitrogen fertilization at flowering and harvest, respectively, follow a quadratic function, (iii) the maximum grain yield is obtained with 60 kg.ha -1 of nitrogen, and (iv) the relative dry mass as function of the common bean development stage presents the same performance independently of the nitrogen dose, therefore, the results can be extrapolated and compared with data obtained in different situations.


fertilizantes nitrogenados adubação common bean dry mass grain nitrogen fertilizer matéria seca grão variation rendimento fertilization variação feijão yield

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