Professional practice of nurses in family health strategy in the walking groups in São Paulo / Prática profissional dos enfermeiros da estratégia Saúde da Família nos grupos de caminhada de São Paulo




Introduction: In Brazil, the Ministry of Health has been developing strategies to intervene in the conditions of chronic, non-transmissible diseases through the incorporation of Complementary and Integrative Practices within the Brazilian National Healthcare System (SUS). Among these practices, the one that most stands out is the Walking Groups (WG) by following the precepts of Health Promotions, contemplating, above all, the autonomy of professionals and the population. These practices are intended to complement the clinical actions of the Family Health Team (FHT) and the nurses have a great potential to incorporate these actions into their professional practice. Objective: To characterize the insertion and the practice of nurses in the WG of the FHT units in Sao Paulo. Methods: Twenty-seven (27) registered nurses who participated in the WG were interviewed. The instruments were used to characterize the WG, the professional practice of nurses in the WG and the standardized instrument for assessing the knowledge level regarding Physical Activities for Health Promotion (PA/HP) of the program called Agita São Paulo. The statistical processing of data was performed using the programs Excel® and SPSS. Results: Within the FHT units, 95 had WG of which 38 were organized by nurses. On the average, the WG duration was 48 minutes and it took place 3 times per week. The majority of nurses (55%) affirmed that they evaluated the users for inclusion into the WG and in 40% of the groups; the actual walking was preceded by a clinical evaluation. Regarding the knowledge level about PA/HP, none of the interviewees correctly answered all of the questions concerning the intensity, weekly frequency, duration and daily mode of implementation for PA/HP, 40% correctly answered only 1 question and 22% incorrectly answered all of them. Conclusion: Despite the inclusion of privileged actions by the nurses to strengthen health promotion in the FHT, the inadequate scores concerning PA/HP, obtained by the nurses, clearly indicates a necessity for continuing education processes directed toward the incorporation of these concepts. In relation to the WG in the FHT Units, this study shows that there is a need to elaborate instruments to guide the actions of the professionals involved in both the managerial and instrumental aspect.


complementaryand integrative practices in health nurses physical activities saúde da família professional practices prática profissional walking groups práticas complementares e integrativas em saúde promoção da saúde atividade física health promotion family health grupos de caminhada enfermeiros

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