Professor, tem alguém ficando para trás! : as crenças de professores influenciando a cultura de ensino/aprendizagem de LE de alunos surdos




Since the 1980s, in the area of Applied Linguistics, there has been an increase in research on teacher beliefs about the learning process (Barcelos, 2004) as a result of the realization that it is important to know how students perceive the learning process and even more so, to understand what teachers believe about the teaching and learning process (Pajares, 1992). Within this context, a phenomenon that is receiving increased attention is the education of deaf or hearing impaired students in the Foreign Language (FL) classrooms in the school systems. It is important for language teachers and linguists to become aware of this new reality. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze how teachers beliefs have influenced the FL teaching and learning culture of the deaf or hearing impaired students. This qualitative ethnographic research study collected data by means of teacher and student questionnaires, field notes, and informal conversations with teachers. Participants included four teachers in two public schools in the Federal District. The results showed that even though the teachers were experienced, and had dealt exclusively with deaf or hearing impaired students, they presented beliefs about the teaching and learning process that were generally negative. Their beliefs have greatly influenced their pedagogical practices, resulting in a poor learning environment for the students. It was found that, based on their beliefs, the teachers had eliminated activities and /or curricular content, such as reading classes, which practically disappeared from the classrooms; and, they have relied on repetition exercises, which do not suffice to learn the target language. This study provides information that that may lead professionals involved in teaching a Foreign Language to deaf or hearing impaired students, to reflect on their practices. This reflection would be a first step towards adopting new approaches to teaching and learning a FL, as well as in taking a new look at hearing impairedness and the deaf or hearing impaired student.


deaf or hearing impaired student applied linguistics aluno surdo foreign language (fl) teaching and learning learning beliefs lingüística aplicada. linguistica aplicada crenças de professores crenças de aprendizagem teacher beliefs ensino/aprendizagem de le

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