Progresso genético para produtividade do feijoeiro no programa de melhoramento do Instituto Agronômico (IAC) entre 1989 e 2007 / Genetic gain for yield in the common beans breeding program at Agronomical Institute (IAC) from 1989 to 2007




The genetic breeding program of common beans at Instituto Agronômico (IAC) has released 38 cultivars to the present date, thus contributing to increase the average yield of the crop in Brazil and, mainly, in the state of São Paulo. In this context, the goal of the present work was to evaluate the genetic gains obtained in yield for common beans due to the research developed by IAC during the period comprised from 1989 to 2007. A total number of 211 experiments and 134 advanced lines were evaluated, distributed along 10 selection cycles and carried out in three distinct sowing seasons. Genetic progression was estimated for the research periods of 1989 to 1996 and from 1997 to 2007 depending on the characteristics of the evaluation experiments. During the second period, the gain per sowing season and per tegument type has also been estimated. The analyses have employed a mixed model whose effects were obtained by weighted minimum squares, generating weighted averages according to the mean yield of the genotypes. Subsequently, the linear regression analysis was performed based on the weighted averages in order to calculate the estimated genetic gain per selection cycle. In the period from 1989 to 1996, a significant relative gain of 1.91% per selection cycle was obtained. For the subsequent period of 1997 to 2007, a non-significant negative gain (-0.51%) was obtained, it reflects the stabilization of the yield gain in the period. Although the gain estimate for the second period was stable, the value was approximately 1000 kg/ha superior to the average obtained in the first period. The main cause of the observed stability in the yield gain is likely to be due to the shift in the breeding program goals towards the generation of lines with higher technological features (bigger seeds and shorter cooking time). The results obtained for the distinct sowing seasons indicate that the rainy season favored higher average yield, whereas the winter sowing season exhibited better indices of genetic gain. The classification according to the tegument type resulted in negative gain as expected, although not at statistical significance levels, with values of -0.64% per selection cycle for black tegument and -0.12% per selection cycle for carioca tegument type. Considering the genetic gain for the research cycles investigated, the average of 0.25% gain per selection cycle and the cultivated area of 192 thousand hectares in the state of São Paulo, during the harvesting season of 2006/2007, the gain represents an increase of yield of approximately 14,000 bags of 60 kg. The results reveal that the breeding strategies for common beans employed at IAC were effective to develop superior genotypes.


variedades vegetais. cultivars feijão - produtividade genetic gain. melhoramento genético vegetal phaseolus vulgaris french beans seleção vegetal selection

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