Projeto otimizado de uma unidade de air stripping para remover VOCs clorados de aguas residuarias




At present, it is more and more common to find water resources contaminated by substances resulting from anthropogenic activities, especially those originating from of the discards of industrial processes. These chemicals usually represent a threat to human health and to aquatic ecosystems equilibrium. The effects are still more harmful when such substances are chlorinated VOCs chlorinated Volatile Organic Compounds, because besides damages to water resources and population s health, such substances are known atmospheric pollutants which contribute to ground levei ozone formation. Among the existent treatment types for aqueous mixtures contaminated for VOCs, it is emphasized in this research the air stripping (air passage inside of a separating column in countercurrent to the aqueous mixture), as one of the simplest, efficient and economical technologies used for VOCs removal, as it has been attesting by U.S. EPA. This research had as objective to suggest optimum configurations, in terms of energy consumption and fixed cost, for an air stripping treatment plant. To carry out the required optimization was necessary to size the stripping column (equilibrium stages and hydrodynamic project), the centrifugal pump that would transport the polluted liquid until the column, and the blower that would supply air at ambient temperature for the column. The obtained optimization problem had, in this way, equations related to the sizing of each piece of equipment, which are subject to dimensional limitations of the constituent accessories, to operational restrictions and to discharge limits imposed by Brazilian Laws to the studied substances. As result, this research presents the necessary basic methodology for the elaboration of an air stripping unit project, while it suggests, based on the supposed considerations, optimum parameters for the elaboration of such a project


otimização matematica engenharia quimica - equipamento e acessorios projetos - custos compostos organicos volateis

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