Proline transport in Salmonella typhimurium: putP permease mutants with altered substrate specificity.


The putP gene encodes a proline permease required for Salmonella typhimurium LT2 to grow on proline as the sole source of nitrogen. The wild-type strain is sensitive to two toxic proline analogs (azetidine-2-carboxylic acid and 3,4-dehydroproline) also transported by the putP permease. Most mutations in putP prevent transport of all three substrates. Such mutants are unable to grow on proline and are resistant to both of the analogs. To define domains of the putP gene that specify the substrate binding site, we used localized mutagenesis to isolate rare mutants with altered substrate specificity. The position of the mutations in the putP gene was determined by deletion mapping. Most of the mutations are located in three small (approximately 100-base-pair) deletion intervals of the putP gene. The sensitivity of the mutants to the proline analogs was quantitated by radial streaking to determine the affinity of the mutant permeases for the substrates. Some of the mutants showed apparent changes in the kinetics of the substrates transported. These results indicate that the substrate specificity mutations are probably due to amino acid substitutions at or near the active site of proline permease.

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