Proposição de abordagem integrada de métodos da qualidade baseada no FMEA




During the last years organizations have developed becoming complex systems. On these complex systems the efficiency on the execution of each activity or process doesnt result necessarily on the system efficiency. Based on this conclusion, is important a system that work on the interfaces and interactions of the process. The most recent Quality Management Systems have, as directives, the systems thinking and process integration approach, but the problematic that is consider on this research is the lack of evolution on the methods of the new Quality Systems causing difficulties to assure the system integration and interactions. Additionally is included the lack of preventive focus on the actual Quality Management systems caused by the misuse of preventive quality methods, as the FMEA. On this research the main methods that support the actual Quality Management System are described and its application is analyzed, considering failures and difficulties related to the integration with other methods and related to the preventive focus. Based on the analyses of the actual Quality Management System methods it is proposed an integrate approach of the quality methods based on the FMEA. This new integrated approach allows a clear understanding of the inter-relations and assures that they will occur naturally. As a positive consequence of the integration new characteristics and functionalities were observed, those were not possible on each of the methods alone. The use of the FMEA method for the integration has provided an essential preventive characteristic for this proposition. Finally was possible to conclude that this integrated approach based on the FMEA for the quality methods is a reasonable way for organization that seek for excellence on Quality Management and has a goal for zero defects.


engenharia de producao gestão da qualidade total controle de processo controle de qualidade - normas

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