Proposta de otimização de um sistema de lesão medular experimental




One of the great difficulties found in the study of spinal cord injury consists of the scientific method to get in laboratory standardized traumatic medular contusion. Although diverse laboratories are searching a solution, has lack for a solution that is national, automatized and of easy use. Therefore, the present study we searched to automate the Laboratory of Experimental Traumatic Injury system used at Cajuru Hospital - PUC-PR, aiming to create a newel proposal. The system was divided in two components: module of contusion and module of histological analysis. The contusion module uses the technique of direct bruise, after laminectomia, through weight fall. The module of histological analysis consists of a microscope connected to a computer for the accomplishment of studies after the impact damaging spinal cord. For evaluation of the automatized system involving electronics hardware and software parts tests had been carried through, mechanics parts and in vivo experimental protocol with 5 rats sequentially submitted to the device, the motor evaluation according to OSU score, and comparison of images. As result of the implemented rules was possible to verify that the all rats show completely lose of function above spinal cord contusion point and that images acquired by histological analyses module was sharp enough to be used to histological studies after lesion. Thus, system has a trustworthy standard of Injury being its automatization an important factor that increases the quality of experimental procedures.


spinal cord medula espinhal - ferimentos e lesões paraplegia engenharia biomédica - monografias engenharia medica biomedical engineering paraplegia

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