Propriedades aversivas de contingências de variação e de repetição




The literature suggests that vary contingencies embrace a higher response cost than repeat contingencies, what would generate preference for repetition. Yet, the aversive properties of variation versus repetition have not been unequivocally evaluated. The present study was an attempt to perform such evaluation. Five college students were exposed to a multiple concurrent VC 30 s (variation) VI 30 s (timeout) concurrent VC 30 s (repetition) VI 30 s (timeout) schedule. The task required the emission of eight-response sequences to avoid point losses. In the variation component, a sequence was reinforced, after an average cycle of 30 s, only when it differed from the 10 previous ones (Lag 10 criterion); in the repetition component, after an average time of 30 s, a sequence was reinforced only if it was equal to the first emitted sequence in this component. During both components, a timeout was concurrently programmed according to a VI 30 s schedule. During the timeout, the variation (or repetition) contingency was suspended for 15 s. The variation component produced a more variable responding, although less accurate, and a lower number of sequences than the repetition component. Systematic relations between timeout choices and variation and repetition contingencies were not obtained. These results suggest that, if variation and repetition present aversive properties, such properties are similar across those contingencies. Some procedural aspects of this study, however, may have minimized the higher cost of emitting variable sequences as compared to repeat sequences.


timeout from avoidance choice variação repetition timeout da esquiva variation escolha repetição psicologia

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