Propriedades funcionais de hemoglobina de Leptodactylus labyrinthicus




Some structural and functional properties of hemoglobin components of Leptodactylus labyrinthicus, a brazilian amphybian which lives in a semi-aquatic habitat, were in the present paper. The total hemolysate was resolved into three components, in CM-celulose chromatography. These components were indentified as Hb IND 0 , Hb IND 1 e HB IND 2 , accordingly to the results in starch gel elcctrophoresis. The tree components are present in the proportion of 10, 60 and 30% respectively. The oxygen binding properties were studied using spectrometric methods, and the oxygen of the hemoglobin was expressed as the oxygen partial pressure to obtain 50% of saturation ( P IND. 50 . The total hmolysate didn t present Bohr effect, although Hb IND. 2 (30% of the total hemolysate) showed a normal Bohr effect. Both major fractions Hb IND. 1 and Hb IND. 2 as well as the total hemolysate showed phosphate effect, either by organic or inorganic phosphates. This effect was an increase in Bohr effect with a decrese in oxygen addinity, without notable changes in heme-heme interactions. A structural study was iniciated with the globins of the two major components Hb IND. 1 e Hb IND. 2 . The alfa and beta chains of these globins were separated in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and compared. The results indicated the possibility od the beta chains were similar for both globins.


hemoglobina anuro

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