Proteção ambiental e comércio: limites entre a defesa de objetivos legítimos e protecionismo disfarçado




The study of the relationship between trade and the environment requires, on the one hand, an analysis of the evolution of environmental regimes and, on the other, of the multilateral trade regime established after World War II. In both cases, it is possible to see that environmental issues have become intertwined with international trade. However, the relationship between these two regimes is by no means a harmonious one. The growing number of measures that restrict trade in order to meet environmental policy requirements have impeded market access. Moreover, existing loopholes in the general rule to liberalize trade so as to ensure objectives perceived as legitimate and, thereby, guarantee domestic stability have generated two types of protectionism: a legitimate one and an illegitimate one. In this context, the WTOs Dispute Settlement Body is charged with the difficult task of sorting legitimate interests from disguised protectionism. In order to check the extent to which the DSB is able to identify the line dividing legitimate from illegitimate, nine trade disputes involving environmental issues were chosen. It was verified that there is no definitive rule to make such a judgment and that analysis must be made on a case-by-case basis. Yet, some criteria have been established by the DSB to ensure the balance between the rights members have to protect the environment and their obligation not to place undue barriers on international trade. This is no easy task, though, since both economic development and environmental protection constitute legitimate objectives of the member states. In this context, it appears that cooperation between these two regimes is paramount in addressing conflicts that arise between trade and the environment.


meio ambiente normas e padrões omc regime internacional comércio Órgão de solução de controvérsias politica internacional barreiras técnicas protecionismo disfarçado

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