Protein Metabolism in Brazilian healthy elderly using glycine labeled with 15N / Avaliação do metabolismo protéico em idosos brasileiros independentes utilizando a glicina marcada com 15N




Protein metabolism in the elderly, analyzed though the protein turnover rate, is of great importance to muscle trophysm and maintenance of activities of daily living. Some studies in the elderly have shown a reduction of protein synthesis with aging, while others found that it is maintained and degradation increased. Methods using stable isotopes are of great relevance in the research of protein metabolism, being non-invasive and safe. This investigation aimed to study protein turnover in healthy independent elderly through the method of glycine labeled with 15N. Seven healthy elderly persons were studied. All volunteers were assessed by clinic, nutritional and biochemical evaluation, with the exclusion of diseases and medications that could affect protein metabolism. A 200 mg oral dose of 15N-Glycine was administered and urine and blood samples were collected (basal sample before isotope intake, four hours after isotope intake and the last sample after 9 hours). Ammonium, urea and total nitrogen were quantified and analyzed by mass spectrometry, with the determination of isotope enrichment (15N). Volunteers were aged 65.4 ± 2.8 years (mean ± SE), four women and three men, with BMI 22.73 ± 2.4 Kg/m2. Total nitrogen output was 3.31 ± 0.7 gN/9hours and intake 7.76 ± 1.0 g/N; 15N nitrogen flux was 30.36 ± 6.3 gN/9hours, so the nitrogen balance was 4.46 ± 1.0 g/N. These findings were similar to those of others studies with old persons in the literature and lower than those for younger persons. This research established the values of protein metabolism in healthy old persons during the ingestion of typical food (rice and meat) and will allow the development of further intervention studies.


15n-glicina elderly metabolismo protéico idoso protein turnover 15n glycine

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