Proton pumping and the internal pH of yeast cells, measured with pyranine introduced by electroporation.


The internal pH of yeast cells was determined by measuring the fluorescence changes of pyranine (8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrene-trisulfonic acid), which was introduced into the cells by electroporation. This may be a suitable procedure for the following reasons. (i) Only minor changes in the physiological status of the cells seemed to be produced. (ii) The dye did not seem to leak at a significant rate from the cells. (iii) Different incubation conditions produced large fluorescence changes in the dye, which in general agree with present knowledge of the proton movements of the yeast cell under different conditions. (iv) Pyranine introduced by electroporation seemed to be located in the cytoplasm and to avoid the vacuole, and therefore it probably measured actual cytoplasmic pH. (v) Correction factors to obtain a more precise estimation of the internal pH are not difficult to apply, and the procedure may be useful for other yeasts and microorganisms, as well as for the introduction of other substances into cells. Values for the cytoplasmic pHs of yeast cells that were higher than those reported previously were obtained, probably because this fluorescent indicator did not seem to penetrate into the cell vacuole.

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