Providing More Choices for Those Who Depend on Ventilators


Longwoods Publishing


The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) is building capacity in community care for those who depend on ventilators. Hoping to reduce pressures in acute and long-term care, increase the housing choices for those dependent on ventilators and improve the transition from one care sector to another, the WRHA, working in partnership with a local housing company, has designed and built unique living spaces tailored to the needs of ventilator-dependent clients. The project has caused a fundamental shift in thinking about the accommodation needs of people with complex medical conditions. It is also changing the WRHA's approach to care management across sectors and the role of allied health providers. This innovative initiative was recently featured in Promising Practices in Research Use, a series produced by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation highlighting organizations that have invested their time, energy and resources to improve their ability to use research in the delivery of health services. Additional issues from the series can be found at

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