Psychological practice in institutions and education in Psychology : possibilities of reflections about the practice sense / Práticas psicológicas em instituições e formação em psicologia : possibilidades de reflexões sobre o sentido da prática




This research intends to study, in a existential phenomenological perspective, the way by the psychological practices turns avaliable the professional actions modes compreehension, and his departing context transformations, by the students of this practices. The forms of reflection and clinical practice construction are investigated in this practices circuit, seeking to reconstruct the studens learning trajectory. For this intend it uses the narratives of psychology students of the same University, that participate in a clinical practice mode, the Psychological Attendance. The narratives about the learn experience of clinical action trough the practice were coleted by testimonials, made departing of a shooting question and recorded. After the transcription, parts of the testimonial were confirmed against the subjects research and the answers were incorporated in the testimonials. The testimonials were turned literally and returned to the subjects for their evaluation and confirmation. The testimonials analysis were made according Critelli (1996), directing by the making of a dialogue with the testimonials, looking for the reports sense. This investigation presents the crisis and the dislodgesness like a privileged place to the disconstruction of pre-made concepts, ransoming the affectable dimension like a possibilities opening condiction to the clinical encounter. The ransom of self-perception like an instrument to the intersubjective areas weaveness are going to be constructed, departing of this self-perception asking in the dialogues places, particulary in the supervision. This movement turns possible the theorical reflection configuration, departing of the experience. This asking trajectory permits, too, the experiential reconfiguration of clinical encounter like a questionarity place, aiming at the sense ransom, departing of the comprehension possibilities opened by the affectability. The testimonials points to the relevance of an horizontality that privilege the dialogy between theory and practice, imp´lementing the possibilities of a self-appropriated learning.


counselling aconselhamento clinical supervision plantão psicológico fenomenologia phenomenology psychologist education formação do psicólogo psychological duty supervisão clínica

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