Quaestiones Eckhartianae : o uno e o ser, a alma, o agora eterno, o nascimento do logos




The ground of soul (Grund der Seele, in german) is one of the several expressions that, in Eckhart?s thought, points to, first of all, the deepest and truthfull reality of the human being. He?s the man being as man, the universal man, the human nature. But, as he is a being, and for the reason that ?esse est deus? (the being is God), is also the being of God into the man, and of the man in God ? therefore, the end of being alterity. In the ground of soul there are neither representations, nor ways, but only God: He?s not the God determined, however, but the ?Deus sine modis? (God without ways), the Divinitas (Gottheit, Divinity) that is the true God, the One that?s above all contradictions. This presence of God is the generation into the man, by the man and by God, of logos, the Son (Gottesgeburt, God?s borning). The theme of generation is developed from the trinity reflexion, but extend itself over the dogma. In order to show the stages of Master Eckhart?s rational journey and understand the meaning of the logos? eternal generation, this dissertation analyses four fundamental questions of Eckhart?s thought, starting from the poem Granum sinapsis, which condenses the main issues of his philosophical and theological speculation: the concept of one and being, the concept of soul, the issue of time, the birth of logos in the ground of soul. Eckhart?s message reveals the urgency to restore the balance and the rhythm of life between exteriority and interiority, unity and multiplicity, with the need to rediscover the richness hidden in the ground of soul, to transform human relationships that can only be saved through the inner renovation of the individual


metafisica alma logos eternidade nascimento ontologia

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