Qualidade de água de nascentes como reflexo do manejo do uso e ocupação do solo e conservação da mata ciliar, no município de Ouro Branco, MG




This study was carried through in five selected microbasins of the city of Ouro Branco, MG, located in the region of the High Paraopeba, with the objectives of: The physical characterization of the microbasins with different states of conservation and uses of the ground, to evaluate the quality of the water and to classify their springs. The description of the environment was carried through through comment in leases and morfométrica analysis, for the detailed survey of topographical maps IBGE of which if it extracted given which had been applied in formulas, getting the morfométricos parameters. The springs had been classified how much to the regimen of draining and perenidade of the water flow, the physical characterization of the springs and its was carried through entorno, the evaluation of the characteristics of quality of water, the calculation of the index of quality of the water (IQA) and the mensuração of the outflow. The results had disclosed that the morphologic characteristics of the basins are related to its geologic and litológica composition, geographic and for the antropic occupation. It was observed that rising with bigger gradient of native bush they had presented better indices of quality of water for the limnologics parameters pH, total turbidez, solids and dissolved oxygen; e a bigger gradient of forest or still kills native guarantees the water availability in the springs in the dry station, for the supplying of the freátic sheet at the time of rains. The periods of sampling (dry and rainy station) have influence in the outflow and quality of the water of the springs. Antrópicas interferences in the area of recharge of the springs had influenced of negative form the parameters of quality of the water and indices IQA, that had varied of bad the excellent one, being the main ones observed in this study agriculture (residues or excess chemical products), urbanization (sewer and waterproofing of the ground) as well as the withdrawal of the native vegetation of general form.


Água - qualidade - minas gerais mata ciliar - conservação saneamento ambiental solo - uso

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