" Quando a menina enjoa da boca - " : ensaio sobre o Complexo de Édipo e a construção do feminino




This research investigates the vicissitudes of the Oedipus complex of the girl and its relationship with the construction of femininity in Freuds theory, from a theoretical study of this subject in his works. It also uses some contributions from contemporary authors, especially Jacques Lacan, which emphasizes the notion of lack of object as central in the structuring of the psyche. The research begins with the approach of the (re)discovery of infantile sexuality, more specifically of the text Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality, in which Freud anticipates the notion of becoming a woman. It also examines the path of Freud in the developmente of the concept of the Oedipus complex, which became one of the most important and controversial subjects of psychoanalytic theory. The specificities of the girls Oedipal complex were perceived by Freud as he gradually abandoned the belief in the existence of a simmetry in the complexes of boys and girls. It was found that the outstanding result of the Oedipus complex, for both boys and girls, is an identification with the paternal phallic image. The research continues investigating the Freudian discovery of the existence of a long and strong pre-Oedipal relation of the girl with her mother, which represented a revolution in the studies of female sexuality. At last, this work demonstrates that the passage through the Oedipus complex is crucial to provide the girl with the foundations for the emergence as a subject and with a sexual identity, but it does not guarantee an exit toward femininity. Hence, it concludes that femininity is a journey full of intricacies, a becoming, in constant construction.


complexo de Édipo psicanálise psicologia feminilidade femininity the oedipus complex psychoanalysis

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