Quando o governo é o mercado : compras governamentais e inovação em serviços de software




This study considers the use of public procurement as an instrument of innovation induction in software companies and intends to investigate the relation between software service rendering to the federal government and the appearance of innovations. It is, in fact, a multiple case study, containing ten analysis units, with the execution of semi-structured interviews with professionals that have technical and strategic profiles within their companies, narrating innovations in three stages: presale, service rendering and post sale. It makes use of thematic codification to build data analysis categories. The identified innovations are analysed through the models of the innovations in services theory. The results lead to the outbreak of innovations in governmental client attending even when there is no identified willfulness in their induction by the client. Developed innovative sollutions, however, show themselves more orientated to fulfil the stage accomplishment needs and bureacratic procedures than to obtain economical benefit, which restricts their market diffusion and limits their governmental sphere application. For a innovation instigation policy it is urgent that the requirements for governmental supplying are effective on the induction of innovations that are capable of being diffused in the economy. In order to obtain maximum usage of a innovations economical development potential, the companies must search for processes that generate innovations extensible to attend the market extensively, no restraining their suplying to governmental clients.


inovação em serviços administracao serviços de software public procurement software services innovation induction compras governamentais innovation in services indução de inovações

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