Queer couples in straight America: a study of representations of straight woman/gay man relationships in A home at the end of the world and Will &Grace / Queer couples in straight America: a study of representations of straight woman/gay man relationships in A home at the end of the world and Will &Grace




The purpose of this work is to study the queerness of relationships between straight women and gay men in Michael Cunninghams novel A Home at the End of the World and in the TV sitcom Will &Grace. The intention is to analyze such relationships from the point-of-view of the main female characters Clare and Grace, respectively , comparing and contrasting the literary and televisual texts. The theoretical-methodological core of this thesis lies on the concepts of queer theory, based on which the characters and their relationships have been analyzed. However, as it establishes a dialog between a literary work and a TV show, a theoretical chapter on television theory has been added. While providing an overview of television theory, this chapter has also been really relevant in the discussion of Will &Grace. Through a deeper study of queer theory, one realizes that queerness, instead of a fixed identity, may be better understood as an attitude of resistance to heteropatriarchal social rules. Therefore, in spite of Graces and Clares conventional aspirations, they both act queerly in several situations, proving that queerness is a positionality which everyone may assume; even straight people


teoria queer queer theory televisão seriados will &grace (programa de televisão : estados unidos) cunningham, michael, 1952- . a home at the end of the world north american fiction teoria queer ficção norte-americana television literaturas estrangeiras modernas televisão cunningham, michael, 1952- . personagens mulheres

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