Questoes estruturais e interpretativas na obra pianistica de Ricardo Tacuchian / Structural aspects and interpretation of the piano works by Ricardo Tacuchian




This dissertation is based on complete piano works by the composer Ricardo Tacuchian (1939). These pieces are divided into three phases - National phase (1960s), experimental phase (1970s), and postmodern phase (since 80 to present days). The main objectives of the dissertation are: (1) contribute to bibliography of twentieth and twenty-first century music (2) promote contemporary Brazilian music and (3) focus on these piano pieces, emphasizing structural and interpretative aspects to demonstrate a direct relationship between analysis and performance. Moreover, it addresses aspects related to tempo, dynamics, timbre, texture and structure. By utilization of various analythical techniques, the author illustrates the significance of each piece, formulating suggestions, and essential questions related to the performance. The methodology also treats aspects related to the pianistic preparation for the performance of each piece, and provides an analysis of materials, composition techniques employed, and how these elements are explored. Furthermore, a narrative process, establishes a rational solutions to solve features related to performance. Annexed to the text are an article on the T-system written by the composer himself, a glossary of underlined terms in the dissertation, and original English versions divided into chapters. The bibliography consists ofmateriaIs related to contemporary Brazilian music, musical analysis (materials and composition techniques), musical performance, and bibliographical materials related to the composer. The conclusion identifies the unifying elements of each piece, originality of the composer s composition techniques of the composer (personal style), and elaborates on suggestions for the performance of these pieces


musica brasileira tacuchian performance (arte) brazilian music performance (art) piano music 1939 ricardo musica para piano

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