Quimica do estado solido : contribuição ao estudo da fase gama do fosfato Zr (IV)




This work reports the studies made for the layered material T-ZrP [Zr(HPO4)2.2H2O] considering the following aspects: i) dependence of crystallinity with temperature and time of reflux of the gel precursor; ii) dehydration of the polycrystalline material by heating and vacuum; iii) intercalation of Na via ion-exchange and iv) topochemical reactions of T-ZrP with phenyl and 2-carboxiethilphosphonic acids. The materiaIs obtained were characterized by several methods including X-ray diffractometry, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric anaIysis, differential scanning calorimetry and scanning electronic microscopy. For the case of sodium intercaIates measurements of conductivity also were performed. The main results of this work are: i) by variation of the synthese conditions, materiaIs with different crystallinities, morfologies and size of crystallites are prepared, [T-ZrP]; ii) the layer in the T-ZrP is maintained by van der Waal´s forces and hydrogen bonds; iii) the intercalation of Na gives rises the appearance of H3O specie who is reponsable by the conduction mechanism in the region of 25-250°C (Grotthuss Mechanism) and iv) for the organic derivatives the interlayer spacing ia determined by the nature and length of organic group.


quimica do estado solido fisico-quimica

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