Rare earth and other trace element behaviour in sills and flows from north-northeast region of Paraná Magmatic Province / "Comportamento de terras raras e outros elementos-traço em soleiras e derrames da região norte-nordeste da província magmática do Paraná"




It is presented the determination of rare earth (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb, Yb and Lu) and other trace (Cs, Rb, Ba, U, Th, Ta, Hf, Co and Sc) element concentrations in 51 representative samples of flows and sills from northern and northeastern Paraná Magmatic Province, particularly those located at north of São Paulo State and south of Minas Gerais. The employed analytical method to those determinations was thermal and epithermal neutron activation analysis, followed by high resolution gamma ray spectrometry, which provided high precision and accuracy results (in general better than 10%), as verified by determinations in the international geological reference material JB-1. The obtained results were integrated with major, minor and trace (Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Cr and Ni) elements determined by X-ray fluorescence. The investigated rocks are mainly represented by tholeiitic basalts, tholeiitic andesi-basalts and lati-basalts, with subordinate relatively evolved (MgO <3wt%) lithotypes, which are represented by latites and lati-andesites, besides one rhyodacite. The basic rocks (SiO2 <55% and/or MgO >3%) are characterized by presenting TiO2 contents higher than 3wt%, very similar to Pitanga magma-type, although some flows, located at northern São Paulo State, geochemically similar to Urubici magma-type (typical of southern Paraná) were also found. Basic rocks having TiO2 contents between 2 and 3 wt% were rarely encountered and represent intrusive equivalents of Paranapanema flows. The more evolved rocks were just found in sills and have geochemical characteristics that indicate differentiation from Pitanga magma-types. Major, minor and trace element behaviour of intrusive and extrusive rocks of Pitanga type, including those differentiated ones, is compatible with evolution by fractional crystallization of plagioclases, clinopyroxenes and titanium magnetites. The comparison between flows and sills of Pitanga type indicates the significant role of in situ differentiation in the genesis intrusive rocks, causing its larger compositional variability (sills: MgO between 2.3 and 6.4wt%; flows: MgO between 3.2 and 5.5wt%). The most evolved rocks are also characterized by positive europium anomalies, which suggest plagioclase accumulation caused by such fractionation process. The obtained data also corroborate the lack of significant participation of N-MORB, E-MORB and OIB asthenospheric mantle components in the genesis of basic rocks, which present very close geochemical similarity with Rio Grande Rise (site 516F) and Walvis Ridge (site 525A) basalts, particularly with the last ones, indicating the involvement of EMI mantle component.


continental flood basalts soleiras e derrames da bacia do paraná rare earth elements neutron activation analysis sills and flows from paraná basin análise por ativação neutrônica províncias de basaltos continentais província magmática do paraná elementos terras raras rochas basálticas basaltic rocks paraná magmatic province

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