RazÃes da expansÃo dos cursos de especializaÃÃo : um olhar a partir da UFPE




The goal in this study is to identifyg and analyze the main reasons behind the expansion of specialization courses administered at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, NE Brazil, and study the concepts that support âlatu sensuâ postgraduate policies that fuel the expansion process. Semi-structured interviews were used with coordinators and lecturers in the specializing courses as well as with directors to the Centre. Other documents that were connected with the theme were also scrutinized. Data was processed through content analysis and revealed that, among the reasons for expansion of those courses at UFPE, elements such as pressure exerted by changes occurred in the job market as well as the generation of income those courses provide for the University were to be accounted for. Results also showed the existence of two concepts on specialization: public and private. The process of expansion, fueled by external and internal elements â form the IFES standpoint â and stimulated by government policies implemented during Fernando Henrique Cardosoâs government, points to a full withdrawal of the State from all responsibilities connected with this particular area of the educational system


specialization courses cursos de especializaÃÃo educacao state reform, public/private privatization financiamento autonomia pÃblico / privado reforma do estado privatizaÃÃo funding self-sufficiency

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