Reajustes posturais em individuos neurologicamente normais e em portadores da Sindrome de Down na gangorra : efeito da manipulação sensorial / Postural adjustaments during balance on seesaw : the effect of sensorial stimulation




Introduction: The main of this study was investigates the sensory integration and function in neurological (CG) and Down syndrome (DS) subjects during balance on unstable seesaw. Methods: Eight individuals with DS and eight CG were studied. Six balancing conditions were collected combining 3 seesaw heights and two manipulations: Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation (GVS) and Achilles tendon vibration. The angles and EMG activities of the some leg and trunk muscles were collected. Results: The CG adopted an alternated pattern of ankle muscle activation during balance and modulated the balance with the seesaw height. The individuals with DS showed the co-contraction muscle pattern during balance and were not able to modulate the muscle answer with the seesaw height. The GVS did not affect CG pattern of muscle contraction although the muscle activation has been partially inhibit. However the detriment of reciprocal pattern was observed due to vibration and under this perceptual condition the control subjects adopted a muscle pattern that remember the ones used by individuals with DS. On the other hand, individuals with DS lack the ability to keep balance during the vestibular manipulation and were no affected by vibration. Discussion: The CNS of CG rapidly assess and re-weigh available sensory inputs, assuring the balance success. On the other hand, individuals with DS showed a deficit in the mechanism responsible to elicit an appropriate postural response. They increased the postural response with GVS and decreased with vibration. This fact may indicate that because of proprioceptive dysfunctions the individuals with DS re-weigh the organization of sensory systems increasing the importance of vestibular system and decreasing the proprioceptive importance


equilibrium (physiology) down sindrome de agentes do sistema sensorial down s syndrome neurophysiology seesaw equiibrio (fisiologia) sensory system agents

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