RecA-independent recombination at gamma delta termini and at IS3 producing inverted repetition in F' plasmids.


Two F' plasmids isolated independently from a recA- strain of Escherichia coli and containing identical deletion end points and identical associated inverted duplications are described. In these plasmids, DNA of F plasmid from the IS3 element alpha 1 beta 1 up to the transposon gamma delta is duplicated in inverted orientation, and a 63-kilobase-pair segment from the chromosomal DNA of the plasmid is deleted. One deletion terminus is the chromosomal IS3 alpha 4 beta 3 carried by the parental plasmid, ORF203. It is proposed that these structures resulted from interduplex strand exchanges that occurred at the ends of the movable element gamma delta and at IS3. This indicates that the 35-base-pair gamma delta termini can participate in genome rearrangements by mechanisms that are distinct from complete transposition mechanisms.

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