Receptores do hormônio luteinizante em diferentes porções do oviduto de éguas em estro. / Receptors for luteinizing hormone in different portions of the oviduct of mares in estrus


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Embryonic development begins with the fertilization of the egg by the sperm in the oviduct. The oviduct is a tortuous organ which extended measures 20 to 30cm and is divided into three parts: the isthmus, ampulla and infundibulum. Hormones influence the activity of target cells by binding to specific receptor molecules. Immunohistochemistry is the set of procedures that use antibodies as reagents for detection of specific antigens present in cells or tissues, therefore, using this technique it is possible to verify the presence of hormone receptors in certain organs. This study aimed to verify the presence of hormone receptors for luteinizing hormone (LH) in different portions of the oviduct using the technique of immunohistochemistry. We used 18 mares were in estrus that had a follicle greater than 35mm and reproductive tract consistent with the estrogen phase of the estrous cycle. From the 18 mares that were part of that study, 16 mares (88.8 %) had receptors for luteinizing hormone (RLH) in the oviduct. From these 16 mares, 8 (44.4 %) had RLH in the epithelium and 7 (38.8 %) had RLH in the muscle of the isthmus, 14 (77.7 %) had RLH epithelium and 13 (72.2 %) in the muscle of the ampulla, 10 (55.5 %) had RLH in the epithelium m and 1 (5.5 %) in the muscle of the infundibulum. In mares that had receptors in the epithelium the intensity verified was 1,5 ; 2,5 and 2,6 on the isthmus, ampulla and infundibulum, respectively while in the muscular portion was 1,14 ; 2,3 and 3 respectively, for each of the three portions studied. It was verified a greater intensity of receptors in the ampulla of the oviduct, which may relate the LH in the process of fertilization of the oocyte by the sperm.


mare equinos hormônio luteinizante : lh oviduct equinos : anestesiologia veterinaria hormone receptors immunohistochemistry luteinizing hormone

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