Recombination in the Vicinity of Insertions of Transposon Tn 5 in MYXOCOCCUS XANTHUS


To test genetic recombination in the vicinity of insertions of the transposon Tn5, crosses were performed by transduction between M. xanthus strains carrying different insertions of Tn5. One member of each pair carried resistance to kanamycin (Tn5-Km); the other carried resistance to tetracycline (Tn5-Tc). The distance between each pair of Tn5 insertions was also measured by restriction mapping. The physical distance corresponding to each recombination frequency was calculated from the transductional linkage and compared with distance on the restriction map. A good correspondence between the two measures of distance was obtained for a pair of Tn5 insertions near the cglB locus and for another pair near the mgl locus. Correspondence between the two measurements of distance, the observed allelic behavior of Tn5-Km and Tn5 -Tc at the same locus and the finding of the same frequencies of recombinants in reciprocal crosses implied that recombination in the vicinity of Tn 5 was normal.

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